

Friday, January 20, 2012

Contest Day

Hey guys, fans, friends, amigos, buds, dudes, and family,

Today is another contest!  I've been brain storming and have finally came up with an idea for this week.  This week you need to...........*drum roll pleaseeeee*

Write a short story!  I know I've had a writing contest before but this one is different.  :D  I'm letting your imagination have at it this week.  So, instead of giving you a writing prompt you just need to write about one of these topics:

The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
The Princess and The Frog
Red Riding Hood

Here's the twist,  you need to take one of the fairy tales above and combine it with one of the ideas below to create a twisted fairy tale!  For example, you take Little Mermaid and Real-Life and have her come onto land but instead she's in New York city and can't figure out what to do because there's so many people.  Really, just make it a really original story and let your imagination soar! 


You can illustrate your story if you'd like.  The winners will have their storys posted onto my blog.  Please don't make the story any longer then 10 pages.  If enough people enter, I'll have a first place winner, second place winner, and third place winner.  Send me your story at  Please include your first name.  If you win, I'll ask for your permission to post your story and your first name on my site.

Thanks!  (Now Get Writing!)



  1. AWESOME!!! :D :D :D When is the deadline?

    1. The deadline is Friday of next week, that would make it the 27th. ;)

  2. BTW, if I were to do, let's say, a psycho twist on Snow White, could I add random stuff to the story to make it psycho, or do I have to do something else to make it psycho? I guess what I'm asking is, what makes a story psycho, in your opinion?

    1. You can add random stuff to the storyto make it pshyco but try to keep the same elements as the original, just twist it so that it's creepy.
      What I mean is, keep the main characters from the original story and twist their personalities, the time they live, what they wear, their purpose, but still try to make it so that you know it's a Twisted Snow White. If that makes sense. You can add on as many extra characters as you'd like, it's up to you. ;)

  3. Shoot, I forgot about the deadline AGAIN. :P I will write a psycho Snow White story and send it to you just for fun! :D


Happy Commenting!