

Monday, December 12, 2011

New Contest!

Here is the new contest!! (Sorry, I'm like 15 minutes late...  :(  )

Now, read carefully and PAY ATTENTION!!

This new contest is a Singing Contest!

Here's what you gotta do:

#1.  Pick any song you like!

#2. Please record yourself singing that song on a camera or you can just record your voice.

#3.  Make the video as creative as you want!  More creativity the better!

#4.  Please don't let your video go over 4 minutes.

#5.  You can record the video with instruments!

#6.  You can sing solo or with a group.

#7.  Once your done, send me your video in an e-mail at:!

#8.  You must send your video by the 23rd!!  Late submissions will not be accepted!

#9.  If you've won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place I'll send you a quick e-mail!  I'll ask for your permission to post the video on my blog.  Even if you didn't win the top places, I'll still ask if you want your video posted!  :)

#10.  You can dress up in silly costumes!

#11.  HAVE FUN!!!!


1st Place Trophy

2nd Place Trophy

3rd Place Trophy

If your video didn't get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd you'll still get a small prize.  :)

So,  I hope you guys do this contest!!

I'll be posting a video of me singing too maybe.... :)
Have fun you guys!  And GOOD LUCK!

Contest Winner!

Okay, so I'm a little late as usual getting to you guys on this but...Here is the contest winner!!  :)  Enjoy these pictures taken by Kate!

100_1038.JPG- Yarn
100_1043.JPG- Cardboard
-Colorful Cups
 - Favorite Book
 - Pencil
 - Stuffed Animal
 - Favorite Shoes
 - Flower Pot of Awesomeness!

So,  I hope you enjoyed these pictures by Kate!

Tune in at 2:30 to see my next contest!

Adios!  :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Contest (extended info!)

Sorry that I didn't mention this in my last post buuuutttttt.....


I'll be....




On My...

Blog Of Bloggyness!!  ^-^

So, what I'm trying to say is, everyone who sends me their submissions will get their Scavenger Hunt List and all their pictures posted on my (epic) blog!

Send all your submissions in...right....NOW!   ^-^ 

But remember, have F-U-N! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


So, if you're sitting at your computer, waiting for me to post something new then TAA-DAA!!

Here it is.

My new contest is....Drum roll pleaseeee.....I said drum roll!!   Man, just can't find any good drum rolls in my head right now.  Anyways, the new contest is a PICTURE CONTEST!!!

*I don't mean draw a picture, we already did that one, I mean take pictures with a camera.

I'm posting a scavenger hunt list on here.  All you need to do is go around your house, get pictures of the stuff on the list, check them off, send me the completed list at my e-mail adress ( and your done!
If you win, I'll post your list and your pictures!   Anyways....Look below to see the list!  Happy Picture Taking! Good luck! ☺