

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Own the Night!

Oh my goodness!

I just came back from this teen book club in Exeter!  Oh wow.  It was amazing. XD
It isn't just a book club!  I mean, today, it was a murder mystery!  We didn't need to read a book, just figure out which person in the room killed the author right there. :D  It was a really fun activity.  I also made a lot of friends! :3
I'm definitaly going back.  :D

Have a wonderful night everyone!

Goodnight! <3

Favorite Song This Week - Fireflies by Owl City

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh!!
I love this song so much. :3
All the different characteristics and sounds and noises all combine together in one big symphony.  I love how each segment of the music is added piece-by-piece with small details of the room coming to life with the tune.  If I could, I would blast this song every second of every car ride with the windows wide open and my shades on.

Want to hear the song??
Just play the video below!

Fireflies - Owl City

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Favorite Song of the Week!

I've come up with an idea!!
Once every week, I'll post up my favorite song for that week with the title and music video!

Anywhom, my favorite song this week is 'Somebody That I Used to Know' -By Gotye
Gotye has a really sweet voice and it's a great song.  :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm writing a new book!

I'm working on writing a new book.  I'm calling it, 'The Boy Who Stood Upon the Roof'   :D
It's a paranormal type of book.  You know, ghosts, deaths, and hauntings.  The normal.  Anywho, here's a short excerpt from it:

December 5th, 1882

            The snow fluttered down like daisy petals being plucked right out of the sky.  Many, if not all, of the trees were bare.  Young Henry starred out of a lonesome window that resided in his small home.  The snow is so beautiful… He thought.
            Henry walked quickly over to where his ratty old coat was hanging of off a chair almost about to give in to the wood-eating bugs that infested it.  He picked up the coat and placed it on.  He latched together the large buttons and moved his arms a bit to adjust.  He looked at his hands and remembered that he should put on his mittens.  He checked the chair but couldn’t find them.  Henry looked all around the small room but they weren’t anywhere.
He took a frantic glance over his shoulder and called out, “Mama?  Do you know where I put my mittens?”

Tell me what you think!


Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hi guys!

Lately, I've been too lazy to write a blog post but today...I decided to write one!

Anyways, here's some stuff happening right now:

1.)  I did get a part in the play!  My pirate name was Pretzel!
2.)  The last day of the play was just today.
3.)  I made sure to hug everyone in the cast at least a gazillion times.
4.)  I found out that I really like making numbered lists.
5.)  I have a new Yu-Gi-Oh deck!  It's called the Watt deck.
6.)  I've defeated many people with said Watt deck.
7.)  I want to duel more people with the Watt deck.
8.)  I got my hair cut really short recently.
9.)  I love it!!
10.)  At the play, I made a ton of new friends!
11.)  Those friends were: Julian, Lilly, Pete, Aidan, Sharon, Maggie, Sammy, Venise, Darien, Colleen, Sophia, and Alex!
12.)  I loved to hug everyone in the cast.
13.)  I can't wait for the next play I'll be in!! :D