

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another Sketch

Eeyup - I'm on a roll!

My second character sketch of the day, done in only 30 minutes.  I think I must be going mad or something. :P

Anywho, here it is. ;)

Tell me what you think!


In NaNoWriMo, under Art Class, I've opened up a shop / forum. :3

It's called ~ForestNerd's Drawing Shop~.
I do character sketches, covers, and even posters. :3

I drew one picture that I really enjoyed that I wanted to share with you guys.
The person I drew the picture for described her character with strawberry blonde hair, big blue eyes, geeky glasses, black studs for earrings, and she wanted the hair to be relatively long.  I drew it in only 1 hour :3  (that's a record for something that I actually like how it turns out!).  Anywho, enjoy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I am making a commitment!

I will not cut my hair for 7 month and I'm hoping it will grow 3.5 inches. :3  I think it'd be fun to try and deal with long hair again, so I'm gonna tough it out!
On a different note, I might join a swim team again. :D When I was a bit younger I was on one and it was pretty epic (even though I never got 1st place :P  ).

Hope everyone's day is going great!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Lately, everything seems to be really stressful.
I have a lot of homework, a lot of random stuff to do, and I just feel like I keep forgetting to do stuff.
And I just feel....blah.

On a different note,
I'm running for secretary in my Art Club at my school!  I'm going against (my friend) Andrew.  He's cool and funny, and most people like him.  I have to write a winning speech and let everyone know that, "Hey, I got your back!".  I was going to run for President, but thought it was too soon.
I've noticed something.
Writing a speech is hard.
Really hard.
You want to be funny, but you want to let them know your serious about it too.  You want to draw pictures to prove your points, but not too many.  You want to perfect that 'speech-y' voice, but you don't want to sound robotic.  You also don't want to mess up the words half-way through!  But you can't quit.  Quitting is not an option.  Quitting is backing down, giving up, not going with it because it's too hard.  So I will push forward!  I will achieve the possible!  Because, if you put your mind to it, anything is possible.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Own the Night!

Oh my goodness!

I just came back from this teen book club in Exeter!  Oh wow.  It was amazing. XD
It isn't just a book club!  I mean, today, it was a murder mystery!  We didn't need to read a book, just figure out which person in the room killed the author right there. :D  It was a really fun activity.  I also made a lot of friends! :3
I'm definitaly going back.  :D

Have a wonderful night everyone!

Goodnight! <3

Favorite Song This Week - Fireflies by Owl City

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh!!
I love this song so much. :3
All the different characteristics and sounds and noises all combine together in one big symphony.  I love how each segment of the music is added piece-by-piece with small details of the room coming to life with the tune.  If I could, I would blast this song every second of every car ride with the windows wide open and my shades on.

Want to hear the song??
Just play the video below!

Fireflies - Owl City

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Favorite Song of the Week!

I've come up with an idea!!
Once every week, I'll post up my favorite song for that week with the title and music video!

Anywhom, my favorite song this week is 'Somebody That I Used to Know' -By Gotye
Gotye has a really sweet voice and it's a great song.  :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm writing a new book!

I'm working on writing a new book.  I'm calling it, 'The Boy Who Stood Upon the Roof'   :D
It's a paranormal type of book.  You know, ghosts, deaths, and hauntings.  The normal.  Anywho, here's a short excerpt from it:

December 5th, 1882

            The snow fluttered down like daisy petals being plucked right out of the sky.  Many, if not all, of the trees were bare.  Young Henry starred out of a lonesome window that resided in his small home.  The snow is so beautiful… He thought.
            Henry walked quickly over to where his ratty old coat was hanging of off a chair almost about to give in to the wood-eating bugs that infested it.  He picked up the coat and placed it on.  He latched together the large buttons and moved his arms a bit to adjust.  He looked at his hands and remembered that he should put on his mittens.  He checked the chair but couldn’t find them.  Henry looked all around the small room but they weren’t anywhere.
He took a frantic glance over his shoulder and called out, “Mama?  Do you know where I put my mittens?”

Tell me what you think!


Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hi guys!

Lately, I've been too lazy to write a blog post but today...I decided to write one!

Anyways, here's some stuff happening right now:

1.)  I did get a part in the play!  My pirate name was Pretzel!
2.)  The last day of the play was just today.
3.)  I made sure to hug everyone in the cast at least a gazillion times.
4.)  I found out that I really like making numbered lists.
5.)  I have a new Yu-Gi-Oh deck!  It's called the Watt deck.
6.)  I've defeated many people with said Watt deck.
7.)  I want to duel more people with the Watt deck.
8.)  I got my hair cut really short recently.
9.)  I love it!!
10.)  At the play, I made a ton of new friends!
11.)  Those friends were: Julian, Lilly, Pete, Aidan, Sharon, Maggie, Sammy, Venise, Darien, Colleen, Sophia, and Alex!
12.)  I loved to hug everyone in the cast.
13.)  I can't wait for the next play I'll be in!! :D

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I recently auditioned for a play at a theater near me.  The play is called, 'A Pirate's Life for Me'.  It's pretty much about a girl who wants to be a pirate but the boys won't let her.  I had to sing and dance for the audition, it really rocked! :D
I really hope I get a part, it would be awesome. :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So, I've been reading this book, 'Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy', for a book report for school.  I'm reading it and then there's this part when the Buckminster Boy (Turner) is in a boat with Lizzie and Turner almost touches a whale.
Then for the rest of the story it just has these little sentences in between paragraphs and all they say is, "I almost touched a whale."

Like this:

I ran home from school as the afternoon breeze began to swoop on by.  With the wind blowing my hair this way and that I only had one thought.  Sparkling rainbows.  Of course, I was only 7 at the time.  My mind hadn't widened enough to consider other topics such as: world hunger, (late) math assignments, or dinner.

I almost touched a whale.

I finally reached my home and shoved open the door, revealing odors of the dinner to come.  As I inhaled I could smell my Mother's famous chili with a side of barbequed chicken.  I dropped my jacket down onto the ground alongside my backpack.  I glided through the house until I reached my Mother.  Standing by her side, I starred at the food she prepared.  "Can I help?"  I asked.  I really loved helping her cook.

(By the waaayyy....) I almost touched a whale.

See how annoying that can get?  I mean, at the start it was like, "Okay...Yeah that's cool."  But then after the 834,434,2355th time it got slightly old...Then I was all like, "OKAY.  You almost touched a whale, I know that!  I've totally aknowledged that! Let. It. Be."

As you can tell, I'm not one in favor of really repetative sentences in books.  But in songs that's fine, as long as it's not about whales...


Hey guys, gals, girls, and dudes!

How is everyone?
I just got my second article published onto DOGO News!!! Woo-hoo!  Here's the link if you'd like to check it out:

Hope you like it! ;D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
*akward silence*..........

Urg, uh, I can't really think of what to rhyme next so just imagine something really epic!!
So anyways, I have 'till the rest of the day to find my Valentines!  I'm going to this cool cafe spot with a pool table, music, air hockey, and video games.  I hope I'll find my Valentine there.  :D Lol

So, have a great day everyone!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Encyclopedia About Me - R

#1: Rain - It's so beautiful.  :)

#2: Rainbow - They come after rain to lighten up your day.

#3: Riccota Cheese - Made from goat milk I think...

#4: Ruby - Shineeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy............................ O.0

Monday, February 6, 2012


So, thought I might just blog about some stuff happening right now.

Last night: I was drinking milk when a car drove up into our driveway.  (By the way, we live on a very big curve in the road in the middle of nowhere and our closest neighbor takes about 10 minutes to walk to)  We thought it might be Mr. Andy, our neighboor.  Turns out it wasn't, the car wasn't the right color.  We all kinda just stood around while Dad went out and talked to them.  When Dad finally came in and the car had left, he called everyone into the TV room.  He told us that our ducks were hit by a truck and the car behind the truck saw every thing happen.  At that precise moment I just lost it.  I was sobbing and crying.  People have no sense of the road or animals.  If the car that was behind the truck could see our ducks, then why couldn't the truck driver?  And why didn't the truck stop?  I don't know.  He was either sad himself or he just didn't care.

This Morning: Woke up and had breakfast.  Now I'm blogging on this blog.

Happy Monday Morning.

Friday, February 3, 2012



Here is your next contest! ☺

You're writing a story from the point of view of the villain.  It sounds simple enough but keep in mind that the villain doesn't always assume that he or she is the bad guy.  Sometimes they don't even think they're doing wrong.
You'll have no writing prompts for this contest, just use your imagination!  It can be fictional, non-fiction, or any other genre you'd prefer.

Please, just no longer then 10 pages.  ☺  Please use a font that is easy to read.  You may use any program that you'd like to write it but I suggest that you use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.  I don't suggest writing by hand and scanning it in but if you'd really like to then you can.  The closing date for this contest is the 10th of this month.  That would make it Friday, Feburary 10th.

As always send your story to my e-mail at:
And if you win I will ask for your first name and post your story on my blog.  :)

Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Encyclopedia About Me - F

#1. Frog!  They're so adorable and squishy and slimey and yummy!!!

#2. Frodo from Lord of The Rings!  He's so cute just like a frog except that he's not slimey or green!

#3.  Flowers and G-O-U-R-G-E-O-U-S!  They're so colorful and soft and fragrant!

#4. Frills and epic!   Especially on dresses and skirts and sleves! 

#5. Fish are so elegant and sweet.  I once had a silver goldfish named Bonnie and a gold goldfish named Clyde...They both died within a week.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hey guys!

I think I've told some of you that I got a professional job as a journalist on DOGO News, right?  Well, my first article was finally published!  If you'd like to check it out, go to this link:

My name is on it and everything!  I'm gonna be FAMOUS (maybe....  xD  )

Friday, January 20, 2012

Contest Day

Hey guys, fans, friends, amigos, buds, dudes, and family,

Today is another contest!  I've been brain storming and have finally came up with an idea for this week.  This week you need to...........*drum roll pleaseeeee*

Write a short story!  I know I've had a writing contest before but this one is different.  :D  I'm letting your imagination have at it this week.  So, instead of giving you a writing prompt you just need to write about one of these topics:

The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
The Princess and The Frog
Red Riding Hood

Here's the twist,  you need to take one of the fairy tales above and combine it with one of the ideas below to create a twisted fairy tale!  For example, you take Little Mermaid and Real-Life and have her come onto land but instead she's in New York city and can't figure out what to do because there's so many people.  Really, just make it a really original story and let your imagination soar! 


You can illustrate your story if you'd like.  The winners will have their storys posted onto my blog.  Please don't make the story any longer then 10 pages.  If enough people enter, I'll have a first place winner, second place winner, and third place winner.  Send me your story at  Please include your first name.  If you win, I'll ask for your permission to post your story and your first name on my site.

Thanks!  (Now Get Writing!)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Encyclopedia About Me - A

So, yesterday I was with some of my best friends found out about this epic thing called 'Encyclopedia About Me'.  I thought I'd give it a shot.  ;)

Picture #1 - I'm slightly technological and that's an Apple iPhone.

Picture #2 - Granama is an anagram of anagram!  I love anagrams!

Picture #3- An Anaconda Snake.  Once had a pet snake, it came from my backyard. 

Picture #4 - Adele, a very talented singer that I enjoy listening to. 

So yaw, that's A.  ;)

Stop SOPA and PIPA!

The Internet has always been like your best friend.  It's the place to go to when you're feeling down to look at funny picture of LOL Cats...But, what if someone took this all away from us?  What if...What if there was a bill that was trying to be passed called SOPA and PIPA?  SOPA stands for Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act.  PIPA stand for Protect IP Act.
What would you do if PIPA and SOPA took away all your favorite websites like Twitter, Facebook, and searching engines like Google?  What if they didn't stop there and deleted 75% of all the Internet?  You'd probably be driven to the point of insanity. 
SOPA and PIPA will take away any website that include Piracy.  Piracy is the unauthorized reproduction of products and other websites.  So, think about Google.  You search one thing, they provide websites on everything to do with that topic.  For example, you're writing a report in school about a type of bird called the Paradisaea Rubra.  You want to find some neat pictures of it that you can use to make it more eye-catching.  You search the name up in Google Images and find thousands, even millions, of pictures.  You scroll through, trying to find the perfect one.
Now think, if you didn't have Google then how would you find a picture of this bird?  You couldn't take a picture of it, they're rare and live far away.  So, once the internet is gone, everything will be dull.  The human population created the internet to show the we are (most of the time) intelligent, powerful, and now...We've gone through all of that inventing by scientists who have succeded in inventing the Internet but now it's all being taken away. 
People are making petition forms and protesting.  Some very popular websites such as Wikipedia and Google and doing their part to fight SOPA and PIPA.  Google blanked out their logo today, trying to raise awareness.  This is a picture of Google's website logo today.  If you go to their website they have a lot more information on the laws that congess is trying to pass, SOPA and PIPA.
Wikipedia saw that this was also a problem and they have taken down their website for 24 hours just to give people a taste of what might come.  Google and Wikipedia have set up petition forms that anyone can sign to be part of the Fight Against SOPA and PIPA, or as I'd like to call it FASOPAPIPA-Since the world seems to be loving acronyms at this time of year. 

The Senate will vote for SOPA and PIPA on January 24th.  Get ready. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

200 Viewers!

Sweet!  Today I have 200 viewers!  Thank you mah peeps! :')  I never thought this day would come...No, seriously.  I actually never thought about it.  But I did think about rabid gummy bears eating my head 'cause I ate theirs...Oh...Hehehe, umm....Never mind!!



It's Friday the 13th!  I truly do suggest that you folks don't go out camping tonight...But, if you do, shall you return in one?  I would tell you what's so creepy about tonight...But that would ruin all the fun, now wouldn't it?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


So, most of you guys (and gals) know about Minecraft?  Riiiiiiighttt??????
Well, they recently put up Minecraft 1.1!!!

In the Minecraft 1.1 version they allow your sheep to grow back their wool when they eat grass and they've also fixed a few glitches and bugs.

Here's some EPIC new stuff that's been added to the game:

Would you care for a delightful apple?  Well now you can get one easily!  Just walk over to a tree and begin smashing the leaves, an apple will fall but not every time.  It's about the same chance of an apple falling as a tree sapling to fall.
Tired of waiting for the your brewing to be finished?  Now the time has been reduced down to 20 seconds!
Do you speak German, French, or umm....Some other language?  Well now there's no worry!  You can change it to the language you speak!
They've even added another world type option!  Tired of the plain old world type?  Now you can change it to super-flat!  Nothing but the plains for miles!

So, that's just a few of the new additions to Minecraft 1.1!  Happy Mining!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ello and Hello to all my friends of all different natures!
Hope you all had a good weekend!

Anyways, let's get on to the exciting part now!! 

Here's my new contest:

Find some stuff around your house to make you look like a zombie.
You don't need to do your face, for example you can just make one toe look zombie-ish.

Take a picture of your finished creation by Monday, the 16.
Send the picture to me at my e-mail:

I'll post a picture of my own finished zombie creation too.

Have fun little zombie hunters!
