

Friday, November 18, 2011



Today, Friday, is another contest day!!
Today's contest isn't a drawing contest but rather a short writting contest!

I hope that some of you like to write a bit,  because this should be fun!  ^-^

Here are the rules:

I'll give you 3 writting prompts and you need to use one of them for your story.
You can change it a bit, let your imagination soar!

Your story has to be under 1,500 words.

Please write your story on your computer.  Use devices such as:  Microsoft Office Word,  PowerPoint, Notepad,  Paint, or anything else you'd like to use.

You can add up to 5 pictures, if you want.

Please sent me your submissions before Friday, the 25th.

And, last but not least, Have Fun!!

Here are the 3 writting prompts you can use:

1.  Your main character stumbles upon a crazy scientists lab.  The scientist uses chemicals to change kids into mutant monsters.  What will your character do about this?

2.  'Twas a dark and stormy night...Your story takes place a looong time ago, perhaps in the time of the pilgrims.  A murdur happens in the town square.  What will your main chacter, or the whole village, do to solve this mystery?

3.  Make up a mystical fairy land.  Include as many make-belive characters as you can!  What happens when a very important fairy is stolen by drgaons?  Well, that's up to you to find out.

Have fun!

Remeber, send your submissions to me at!

Thanks!  Bye!  ^-^

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